
God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.  Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their multitude.  And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done.  So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation. – Genesis 1:31-2:3 (CEB)

“Contemplation is training you to see the overlooked wholeness of things.”

Over the last few months, I’ve been reading The Divine Danceby Richard Rohr.  In it, he writes about the Trinity and living within its “flow.”  It’s take me a few months to read it, because I’m reading it devotionally in the morning. Only a few pages at a time.  But I think that’s how it’s meant to be read.  With pauses.

Living within the community of the Trinity – within its flow of loving mutuality of giving and receiving – is a sacramental way of living in the world.  I would also commend to you Sacraments of Life | Life of the Sacramentsby Leonardo Boff, if you are seeking to live this way.

I’ve been struck by much in The Divine Dance, my soul often crying out “Yes!” and “Amen!” to what he writes.  It is lovely when someone puts into words the feelings of your heart.  Which is why I can only read a few pages at a time before I need to pause and reflect.

It is lovely when someone puts into words the feelings of your heart. Click To Tweet

One thing I’ve been holding onto and meditating on is this statement:  “People who do not believe in miracles never experience miracles.”  Here, he talks about experiencing something rather than just seeing it.  But to do this, we need to train ourselves to live experientially.  We need to learn to pause.

When you allow yourself to be led into awe and wonder, when you find yourself in an aha!moment and savor it consciously(remember that joy and happiness take a minimum of fifteen conscious seconds to imprint on your neurons)., then you can have a genuinely new experience; otherwise, you will fit everything back into your old paradigm, and it won’t really be an experienceat all.  It will be at best be a passing diversion, a momentary distraction from your common “cruise control” of thoughts and feelings.

That’s all.

I often take a walk in the early morning.  It is one of my sacraments of life.  I often thank God for being healthy enough to walk, the crispness of the air, the snow shadows, the birds signing, the sun shining.  But it is a quick thank you as my mind moves on to the next thing.

But this summer, on my walks but also throughout my day, I’m training myself to be more contemplative.

To pause for those 15 seconds and simply take it what I see and hear.

To pause for 15 seconds to experience a miracle.

And so I offer you some of the pauses from this morning’s walk for your contemplation.


It’s been a wet spring.



A deer enjoying breakfast.




On the verge of blooming


Summer snow


“Contemplation is training you to see the overlooked wholeness of things.” - Richard Rohr Click To Tweet

It’s Five Minute Friday: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write. 




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9 Thoughts to “pause”

  1. “Pause for 15 seconds to experience a miracle” YES!
    i love that you are working through a reflective book in the morning. Its so nice to start off with some deep thoughts about our Lord and our relationship with Him isn’t it. Books that require savouring are some of my favourites.

    1. lifeinthelabyrinth

      I use to only read scripture in the morning, but also working through some books that require a slow read and time for pondering has been meaningful as well. I find myself reflecting on them throughout the day as I do with scripture.

  2. Rev Louise Tallman

    I have heard Richard Rohr speak and for me, his writing speaks to me more than his lectures. Great reads…all of his books!!!
    Enjoy! I’ll be interested in what you think.

  3. I’m a Richard Rohr fan too. I still haven’t read him but I’ve heard him speak a few times on podcast and video. I know what you mean about some books have to be read slowly. Definitely a good “pause”.

  4. WOW! SO GOOD… When we allow ourselves… *sigh*

  5. Rev Louise Tallman

    PAUSE….listening to the whir of the washing machine…grateful I can get clean clothes without going to a laundromat

    PAUSE…a deep breath in (breathing in God’s love) and out (letting go of anything that keeps me from my next breath being filled with God’s Spirit

    PAUSE–To take a sip of my green tea …reminding me of the green earth that is so beautiful and that I want to do my best to keep it as clean as I can.

    PAUSE…watching the palm tree outside my window…swaying graciously and reminding me of the movement of the Holy Spirit that guides me in new and mysterious ways today.

    PAUSE…to look at my unoccupied patio table and chairs on the lanai.
    This reminds me of those who have empty tables with none or not much food to fuel their bodies. I am thankful that we at least have food pantries and other resources in the area that we support. So much more is needed. There are still hungry bodes…whether for food or other unmet needs. I also think of the times we gather around that table for listening to one another’s joys and concerns. I experience feelings of gratitude when we do fellowship around the table.

    PAUSE…. Gratitude that I have taken this time to find out what reflections came to me in my silent pauses.

    1. lifeinthelabyrinth

      God’s grace in otherwise forgotten or lost moments.

  6. Melissa Hoyle

    This is something I have been trying to be intentional about as a mom of five little ones! It gets so easy to find yourself constantly frenzied, always rushing around. I have been trying to slow down. When my three year old runs away from me, instead of chasing her, I stop and wait for her to come back to me. When we are walking somewhere, I used to always be telling them to hurry up, “fast like a bunny” but now I try to slow down and admire all the little things their little eyes are taking in. Really, what are we rushing around for anyway? I don’t want to look back on my life and have just a bunch of chaotic, frantic moments. I want to have memories of watching a roly poly slowly make its way up my driveway

    1. lifeinthelabyrinth

      My boys are bigger than me now and I’m the one reminding them to pause and take a look around.

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