
Is regret good?

Is regret necessary?

When I think of regret, it brings to mind a dwelling on things said or done wrong – or right things I did not say or do.  But this dwelling in the past does not change the present or the future.

Unless I choose to speak or act differently.

I suppose regret is necessary for confession.  But like guilt, I don’t believe we are meant to stay there.  Maybe it isn’t regret that is necessary for confession but rather conviction.  That is, a realization that a change must be made or an apology given.

Dwelling in my regret keeps me from learning from my mistakes.  Regret binds me to them.  When it is momentary, regret may offer hope for the future.  But regret, alone, cannot redeem the past.

Why am I so happy in this tomb (Bet Shemesh, Israel)?  Regret would keep me here, but conviction, confession, and hope allow me to leave.


Think this post is rough or incomplete?  It is!  That’s what Five Minute Friday is all about. Each Friday, we are given a word on which to free write for five minutes.


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5 Thoughts to “regret”

  1. I love this sentence, “But this dwelling in the past does not change the present or the future.” So much wisdom — love the picture from Israel – just got back from my second trip to Israel

  2. Visiting from FMF this week. 🙂

  3. I agree, I think regret has its purpose but it is not a place we are meant to stay. Visiting from FMF #20.

  4. Great thanks for the visual, Love the picture

  5. We shared similar thoughts today 🙂

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