
Let me be weighed in a just balance,

and let God know my integrity!—Job 31:6 (NRSV)

Several years ago, I used to practice yoga 2-3 times a week.  I enjoyed much about practicing this often.  Even though your practice is always your own, I felt a sense of community working through the same movements as others.  Sometimes I found myself out of breath, but most of the time my breathing matched my movement, which was relaxing.  And judging from my soreness after each practice, I worked often overlooked muscles that are not strengthened in regular forms of exercise.

Probably not coincidentally, as my yoga practice has waned, I’ve suffered from tendonitis in various places in my foot the last few years.  I’m sure age and repetitive use from walking and running have something to do with it as well.  

Running uses my many muscles in my foot.  But not the way yoga does.  One-legged balance poses require strength not only in your core but also in your foot and ankle to maintain stability.  These balance poses also require my foot to be flexible and to manage some wobble as I hold the pose.

Mt. Arbel looking over the Sea of Galilee

Go ahead and try it now. Stand on one foot and slowly lift the other knee to hip height.  Even if you hold your knee, your foot is doing a tremendous amount of work.

Last week, I wrote in deep about feeling rather shallow lately.  As I’ve been reflecting on that post, I’ve realized that I haven’t maintained balance in my calendar.  While I’m good at blocking out appointments, I do not block out time for contemplation, writing, and reflection.  These are the things I try to just fit in while running around all over the place.  

My life needs to be more like a standing yoga pose.  I need to strengthen the often overlooked and easily set aside quiet times in order to find the balance necessary to live a whole life.  A life with integrity rather than a life that is just full of stuff.

My life needs to be more like a standing yoga pose. I need to strengthen the often overlooked and easily set aside quiet times in order to find the balance necessary to live a whole life. #balance #FMF Click To Tweet

My commitment this week is to begin scheduling deep time in my calendar so that I can strengthen the muscles that help me to be flexible and manage the wobble in my life.  And from this strength, regain the balance God is calling me to.



Today’s Five Minute Friday prompt is balance.  You can read more five-minute free-writes on today’s prompt here.

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5 Thoughts to “balance”

  1. Muskego Glenn

    I’m happy with your commitment. It’s so hard to stay in balance when others always have a finger on your scale.

    1. True, all the more reason to strengthen those muscles.

  2. I agree, it’s easy to schedule all our appointments and commitments and to neglect the quiet time we need to be refreshed. It does make a big difference when we get the balance right on this!

  3. I wrote about almost the exact same thing! How wonderful! It seems we’re all looking for the writing balance. I’m so glad I found you at FMF. I love your blog, thanks for sharing! Have a great day!

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